Monday 9 January 2012

30 before 30

Hello world,

My mum recently showed me this wonderful blog and the wonderful author of owl really has inspired me!

On the 15th of February I will be 30. My 20s will become a thing of  the past and I will hit the age that as a teen I thought of as all grown up. When I was a teenager I had a list of things to do by the time I was 18 and the things to do by the time I was 30. Unfortunately I have no idea where that list is now and can't remember much of it (15yrs ago, my memory barely remembers 15 minutes ago!) so instead I'm making a list of 30 things to achieve before I turn 30 (in 37 days - so its not a long time to achieve much!) which will give me some positive things to focus on rather than sinking into a 3rd of my life crisis :) They don't have to be major things if you want to do something similar - If I had come across the idea earlier I would have had a much more elaborate list!

I'll add the list here and will update regularly - my list is not complete but tonight I'm going to finish it off so I can get going!

  1. Get a new tattoo.
  2. Get my hair cut.
  3. Spend some more Jodi time.
  4. Be a better friend.
  5. Keep up to date with my blog!
  6. Read a book.
  7. Watch a movie from start to finish without interuption.
  8. Exercise 3 times a week.
  9. Have a girls night out.
  10. Have a baby free date with hubby.
  11. Take Pie for more walks.
  12. Take Pie swimming every week!
  13. Spend special moments as a family every day.
  14. Kiss my husband (he's helping me make the list)
  15. Be a better house keeper!
  16. Do something fun and new together.
  17. Let Piper have a sleep over at Nannys.
  18. Spend a night away/alone with my hubby!
  19. Make something to donate to a worthy cause.
  20. Hang some of our photos to make this place feel ours!
  21. Make a meal plan and shopping list every week.
  22. Organise my craft space/dining room.
  23. Buy an external hard drive so we don't lose all our photos!
  24. Finish atleast 5 projects from my to-do basket.
  25. Sell something handmade.
  26. Learn to thread an overlocker.
  27. Dye my hair to cover my grey streaks (there are alot of them!)
  28. Laugh more!
  29. Express my feelings productively :)
  30. Complete the 30 before 30 list!
So wish me luck, 30 before 30, here we go!

Jodi xo


  1. that's a great list!! good luck! 37 days is not a long time!! :) i'm sure you'll do great!

  2. Hi Jamie, I'm a little bit excited that you've commented on my blog :D I love your blog xo
