Wednesday 25 January 2012

30 before 30 - another update

 Hello world,

Well I'm plodding along - my list doesn't really have near enough lines through it but here it is tonight:

  1. Get a new tattoo.
  2. Get my hair cut. (No but my mum is getting me a hair cut and colour for my birthday so this will be ticked :D
  3. Spend some more Jodi time.
  4. Be a better friend.
  5. Keep up to date with my blog!
  6. Read a book.
  7. Watch a movie from start to finish without interuption.
  8. Exercise 3 times a week.
  9. Have a girls night out. (planned for my birthday as hubby will be working and I didn't want a party without him - girls night out perfect solution!)
  10. Have a baby free date with hubby.
  11. Take Pie for more walks. (will do this if it stops raining here!)
  12. Take Pie swimming every week! (again if it stopped raining but we start swimming lessons indoors next week!)
  13. Spend special moments as a family every day.
  14. Kiss my husband (he's helping me make the list)
  15. Be a better house keeper!
  16. Do something fun and new together.
  17. Let Piper have a sleep over at Nannys.
  18. Spend a night away/alone with my hubby! (working on it)
  19. Make something to donate to a worthy cause.
  20. Hang some of our photos to make this place feel ours!
  21. Make a meal plan and shopping list every week.
  22. Organise my craft space/dining room.
  23. Buy an external hard drive so we don't lose all our photos!
  24. Finish atleast 5 projects from my to-do basket.
  25. Sell something handmade.
  26. Learn to thread an overlocker.
  27. Dye my hair to cover my grey streaks (there are alot of them!) (as mentioned - all covered with my birthday pressie from my mum and dad :)
  28. Laugh more!
  29. Express my feelings productively :)
  30. Complete the 30 before 30 list! 
So the 5 things from my to-do list:
butterfly leg warmers to match Pie's custom nappy from Bubby's Bott: Designer Minky MCN's
make piper an outfit from the camo shark fabric
make piper an out fit from girls tee I bought cheap!
make piper an outfit from boys tee I bought cheap!
finish off my practice mumma cloth pads

I must say it feels really good to get things finished instead of just adding to the pile of to-do things!

Make something to donate to a worthy cause.
For this I've got 2 different things to talk about.

There is a beautiful new community on facebooks, its called Angel Baby Nappies and it was started by a wonderful lady named Tania who sadly gave birth to an angel baby 2 years ago. Tania's tiny daughter was born 18weeks before her EDD and was given a chux cloth to use as a nappy on her precious little girl. This never sat well with Tania and so now she (and all of us who have joined the community so far) is organising for cloth nappies to be made or donated for angel babies. We are making them in all sizes to fit babies from just a few 100grams in weight to full term babies.
Mine aren't finished yet but I've got my first 4 cut out and itll be an ongoing make because sadly there will be an ongoing need for these :( But I'll upload a picture of the finished nappies in the next few days and if you have any new or excellent used condition small or newborn nappies OR can sew then please join the community to find out how to get involved <3

The second thing I've made to donate is cloth menstrual pads. Yep, its a topic alot of ppl cringe about but I'm going fulltime cloth and I've been making different types, practicing my skills and all the 'practice' cloth I've made and some of the ones I've bought will be heading to some very worthy causes.
Did you know that "For many girls living in poverty, life comes to a screeching halt when puberty is reached. Instead of going to the store to buy pads, too many girls and women resort to whatever is available for free – old clothes, leaves, mud, newspaper. To avoid leaks and stains in public, they stay home and miss school or work each month. Without resources to catch up in school, girls get further and further behind in classes, fail, get discouraged and drop out of school." Doesn't that just break your heart? Imagine being a young girl (I was 12 when I got my first period) having to use old clothes or newspaper or leaves whilst staying at home to avoid humiliation. How heartbreaking! Missing education and money to stay at home using unsanitary products, risking infections etc. My practice pads aren't perfect but they are functional and washable and reuseable which is what counts - for a young girl to recieve them would make such a difference to her lifestyle. To me I see the bumpy stitch here, or the wings aren't as wide or are wider than I would have prefered or they are too short or too long for my tastes but to a young girl they will make the world of difference and are a step in conquering the gender divide in 3rd world countries (a small step perhaps but every step counts!). Check out this info here for a list of places you can donate to (if you have any info on Australian places to donate too please share it with me x)

So what u need to know?? Cloth nappies for angel babies and menstrual pads aren't that hard to make but they will make a big difference in ppls lives so if u can sew give it a go!

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