Friday 13 January 2012

The 30 Before 30 List - update

Hello World,

So here is the list as it stands today:
  1. Get a new tattoo.
  2. Get my hair cut.
  3. Spend some more Jodi time.
  4. Be a better friend.
  5. Keep up to date with my blog!
  6. Read a book.
  7. Watch a movie from start to finish without interuption.
  8. Exercise 3 times a week.
  9. Have a girls night out.
  10. Have a baby free date with hubby.
  11. Take Pie for more walks.
  12. Take Pie swimming every week!
  13. Spend special moments as a family every day.
  14. Kiss my husband (he's helping me make the list)
  15. Be a better house keeper!
  16. Do something fun and new together.
  17. Let Piper have a sleep over at Nannys.
  18. Spend a night away/alone with my hubby!
  19. Make something to donate to a worthy cause.
  20. Hang some of our photos to make this place feel ours!
  21. Make a meal plan and shopping list every week.
  22. Organise my craft space/dining room.
  23. Buy an external hard drive so we don't lose all our photos!
  24. Finish atleast 5 projects from my to-do basket.
  25. Sell something handmade.
  26. Learn to thread an overlocker.
  27. Dye my hair to cover my grey streaks (there are alot of them!)
  28. Laugh more!
  29. Express my feelings productively :)
  30. Complete the 30 before 30 list!

6. Read a book.
Well I haven't fully achieved this (unless reading The Very Hungry Catterpillar to Pie counts?) BUT I went to bed with a favourite book last night - The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I fell asleep before finishing the 1st chapter but its a start atleast :D

7. Watch a movie from start to finish without interuption.
I did this one last night, Kev was at work, Piper was in bed (tho she did stir a number of times but never enough that I had to go get her up and resettle her) so on went a much loved movie - Mouline Rouge :) I didn't turn on the laptop or play with my phone, I just sat and cried and laughed and sang along and enjoyed a whole movie! Very rare for me to actually stay focused on a whole movie these days.

14. Kiss my husband (he's helping me make the list)
Enough said :)

22. Organise my craft space/dining room.
Tricky business!!! My craft space is our dining room, our place is small and there just isn't any other room. It used to be in the lounge room but as Piper got older (and I acquired more fabric!) there just wasn't enough room for my craft space and Piper's play space so I relocated to share the dining room. Its not much of a craft space - a book shelf which I share with the books, 2 old bedside tables, a very cool old horn sewing table (with the pop up and down sewing machine platform! It was my Nan's but she could never work out how to use it so she sold it to my mum who could never work out how to use it and just had it covered up as a large bedside table in her big bedroom - so when I started sewing and knew my baby would be mobile one day and getting into everything my Mum passed it on to me - she stole all the cotton holders and caddies from it first tho - booo! Must add some new storage options to the insides of the awesome sewing desk at some point!) and a brand new computer chair that my Mr bought me on Thursday as sewing on a dining chair was KILLING my back! So I've done what I can, the dining table has been given back to family meals (tho is not in use right now cos it is way too hot in our dining room at dinner time) the fabric is all put away and I'm sorting my projects into boxes. I also got 3 cheap shower caddies to store things out of Pie's reach (things like scissors and cottons and bobbins and the like.) I will have to get a picture of my craft space to share with you all!

25. Sell something handmade.
I've just sold 3 hand made dummy clips and have orders for 6 bonnets so thats a big ol' tick :) Also working on items for the 2 facebook markets I'm in at the end of the month!

26. Learn to thread an overlocker.
 I must say this wasn't as tricky as I expected it to be but certainly something I hope I won't have to do very often!!!

29. Express my feelings productively :)
Instead of sulking and giving Kev the silent treatment when he pissed me off this week I just told him he'd pissed me off and why!

So as you can see, the list is progressing along nicely :) Will keep you all updated, keep your fingers crossed for me cos I've got 22 things left to tick off and only 32 days to do them!

Jodi xo

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