Monday, 1 August 2011

World Breastfeeding Week

Did you know its World Breastfeeding Week? Nope?? Well if it hadn't came up on a status on my facebook I wouldn't have known either. Glad I do, it seems like a good blog topic.

Here's an extract from World Breastfeeding Week's website
The World Breastfeeding Week theme for 2011 focuses on engaging and mobilising youth intergenerational work with the catchy slogan of: "Talk to me! Breastfeeding - a 3D Experience". The theme deals with communication at various levels and between various sectors.

When we look at breastfeeding support, we tend to see it in two-dimensions: time (from pre-pregnancy to weaning) and place (the home, community, health care system, etc). But neither has much impact without a THIRD dimension - communication!

Communication is an essential part of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding. We live in a world where individuals and global communities connect across small and great distances at an instant's notice. New lines of communication are being created every day, and we have the ability to use these information channels to broaden our horizons and spread breastfeeding information beyond our immediate time and place to activate important dialogue.

This third dimension includes cross-generation, cross-sector, cross-gender, and cross-culture communication and encourages the sharing of knowledge and experience, thus enabling wider outreach. 

The topic of breastfeeding often leads to lots of debate. I breastfeed my 5mo daughter and I'm glad I do it. When I fell pregnant I planned to do it for the first 6 months, now I think I'll do it until she's atleast 1. Its hard work and sometimes its painful to do and sometimes I miss having my body just for me but I keep doing it because I believe breast is best and I want to breast feed my daughter. What I don't like tho is seeing the breast vs bottle debates. Some women don't want to breastfeed, some women can't breast feed. I think its sad when instead of supporting each others decisions, women are attacking each other. I expect respect in my choices as a mother for my child but if my choices were different I would still expect that respect. At the end of the day if a child is fed and cared for and loved isnt that what really matters? I completely think women should be provided the information to make an informed decision but at the end of the day isn't it a womans body and therefore her choice?

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