Thursday, 19 January 2012

Tee vamps! Kids tee to baby romper!

Hello world!

Do you want to turn some big kids t-shirts into some adorable rompers like these?

Its easier than you'd expect - and seriously I've made 4 in the past 2 days - they are super quick - the perfect nap time project :)

Ok so first you need to find a tee that you want to revamp. You can do what I've done, found a small tee so I've left the existing side seams in place or you can cut your front and back peices out of a larger tshirt (or some fabric) and sew the piece together. This is the tutorial for making a romper from an existing tee keeping its side seams in play:

Size 0 romper on the top - the tees are wider but not wide
enough that they will be too big - as I said before, if you need
to just take the side hems in the make it the right width.

The blue shirt is a size 2 and the white ones a size 4.
I'm using the size 2 cos I like the cute print but the 4
would be a great fit for this pattern too!

So first you're going to need a nappy cover pattern - if you've
got one you like then use it, I used this one from made
Its copy-right and for personal use only but you can use
whatever works best for you - if you're clever enough you
could just trace around an existing romper - I'm not :)

Figure out where to put your paant pattern depending on
the length of your tee - if you've got more length than you
need then line up the back part of the pattern first - I don't
have length to spare so will add extra into the butt region.

Once you've got the pattern in the right spot, trace around
it and then cut along ur pattern lines
(be careful to cut thru one layer only!)

Front done!

Back done and because I forgot to unpick the hem
first I did it after cutting to shape :D
Now as you can see, its not long enough in the butt....

But with all this spare sleeve fabric thats no drama!

Pinned the cut up sleeve to the romper bottom
(make sure your fabrics are facing the same way!)

Overlocked it together

And hey presto - I've got plenty of length! Cut out the pattern
piece with ur extra panel and then finish your 'pants'
according to the pattern your usings directions.

Bottom is finished (will do the elastic all at
once later) so now on to the top!
Cut the sleeves off making sure to cut the seam off as pictured

Looks like a boy romper now - If you want to make a boys
romper you could add extra to the crotch and put snaps
in rather than finishing them like I did.

Now cut the top of the romper into a nice neat curve at the right
rise to fit the size you need.

Fold it in half just to double check things are even

If you want to make a backless romper (like the purple one)
Then you'll need to cut the back off along the line I've folded
in the pic - I put a bit of paper behind it hoping you could
see the navy fabric better!

Double check you've got the rise right (and ignore the
messy to do basket in the background!)
Mines a little shorter than I planned but its later and I could
not be bothered up picking the pants and putting more length in
- note to self, check it before sewing up the pants ;)
Fingers crossed it fits!
Then its time to finish off the project - edge the arm/arm back
edge, you can hem it, use bias binding (be sure to add elastic
in the back under the bias binding if you're making it backless so it gathers it nicely!)
or you can use FO elastic like I have.
If its backless you will finish the 'back' from the top of one
side to the top of the other in one piece.
Edging (check out my chipped nail polish!)

When the arm holes or the back is finished gather the
top to be the right width of babies chest and if its got
a back gather it too - I like to make the back tighter - racer
back/muscle tee style but you can make them evenly gathered!

Then use bias binding (with enough excess on both sides to
tie up into cute little bows!) and finish off your project!

Now for the best part!

Find a cute model and put her to work : (comic romper pics to come tomorrow when my model wakes up!)
Neighbourhood watch time!
Back view of the purple romper!
The tee I made it from had cute little ruffles
on it which worked really well in romper form!

Posing with her zebra for a side shot
I really wish I hadn't trimmed the ruffle around
the leg hole!!

And a front view - such a gorgeous tee, so
glad we didn't have to wait til she was big enough
to fit into it!

Comic geek? Try comic chic!

Clearly just a little short in the body, ooops!

And away she goes, leaving no item untouched,
reacking havock on the towns people!
jodi xo

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Great tutorial hun :)
    Yet another thing to add to my to-do list!!!
